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1. What inspired you to write your first book?dreamers

A. My first book, “The Dreamers” was, funny enough, inspired by a dream. I had a rather strange one where I was “shot” in the leg by some bad guy. When I woke up, I had a bruise. Right where I had been “shot” in the dream. That got me thinking, and the idea snowballed into the book that now is “The Dreamers.”

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2. Writing can be a difficult job, what inspires you to keep going?

A. As true as that is, I can’t imagine doing anything else. Because I have started so young, I tell myself that if I keep writing and keep doing what I’m doing I can be a career author, and won’t HAVE to do anything else. Imagining success, as fictitious as it may actually be, is also a great motivator.

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3. What are you working on now? What’s next?beneath

A. I’m currently working on what will be my fifth written book. (Only 3 of other 4 have been published). It takes place in a world underneath the catacombs of Paris. I’m really excited about it, but due to its length and status as an epic modern fiction novel, it will likely be a year or two before its release.

(more info at

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4. What’s your writing process, schedule, or routine?

A. I like to be able to sleep in the morning, getting up around 9:30 or 10:00, have a good breakfast, clean and organize stuff a little, work out, get ready for the day, and then by 11:00 or so start writing until I can’t anymore, or the internet distracts me.

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5. Who is your favorite book character of all time? Why?

A. I really like Percy Jackson. He hugely inspired the tone and character Sam in “The Dreamers Adventures” series. I love the sarcastic, heroic, realistic feel Rick Riordan brings to life in Percy.


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6. What advice would give to aspiring writers?

A. Don’t quit. Keep at it. I say the same thing every time I am asked this question. Want to be a writer? Write. And don’t stop. Write an awful first draft. Just write it. Having a first draft is the first step. Work on rewriting/making it good after that.

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7. What’s your favorite quote?

A. Oh man. That’s really hard. It fluctuates a lot with whatever I’m going through at the moment. Right now, the one that came to mind is d.“Hell is meeting the person you could have become while on your deathbed” (Or something similar, you get the idea). That always makes me want to strive to be better, not cut corners, and just be excellent in everything I do.

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8. Who would you most like to have a cup of coffee with? (Dead or alive) Thomas_Jefferson_by_John_Trumbull_1788

A. Thomas Jefferson, imperfect as he was, was a real awesome dude. Talk about a Renaissance man! He accomplished a lot of incredible things, inspired others to do the same, and was such a huge part in building America. Leonardo da Vinci would be cool, assuming this magical coffee break includes translating between us. 🙂 Suzanne Collins, John Green, and Hugh Howey would all be awesome as well to learn from.

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9. What is your biggest pet peeve?

A. Small forks and spoons. Especially the plastic kind. They just… don’t perform as adequately as normal sized metal utensils. Also, when my younger brother turns up the toaster setting but doesn’t put it back to “3,” the exact setting on our toaster that cooks perfectly.

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10. Tell us something quirky about you.

A. Quirky? I rather sadly do not like pickles, raisins, or pineapple. I am willing to try some pretty extreme and crazy stuff, but I just can’t do these foods. I sure wish I could, cause life would be easier if I did, but… I can’t do it. :/

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11. Favorite comfort food?

A. Soups are great. I had an incredible clam chowder at a place called Chinook’s in Seattle a little over a year ago. It was that memorable and that amazing.

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12. Star Wars or Star Trek?star_wars_logo_640_large_verge_medium_landscape

A. I’m a Star Wars guy myself.

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13. Sunrises or Sunsets?

A. A sunset after a day’s hard work is great. Sunrises usually involve getting up early, and, as pretty as they are, I think by default I have to choose sunsets.

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