Author: admin

Interview With Author Kate Deveaux

1. What inspired your latest book or book series? I love cruising with my hubby, it’s just so romantic, but I’ve also been on a few vacations with just ‘the girls.’ The mix of anything goes, plus the Caribbean sunshine, pina...

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The Broke Man’s Holiday by A.M. Harris

The Broke Man’s Holiday Tis the season to be broke for many Americans.  Not because they anticipate overspending on gifts for aunts, uncles and distant cousins, but rather because many people will not have a dime to spend on...

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The Dark Citadel by Jane Dougherty

The Dark Citadel is an original and well-written novel by Jane Dougherty. Before going into a lot of detail about my experience reading the book, I will give you the synopsis (this is my new attempt at giving spoiler-free...

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